Monday, May 25, 2020

Principles of Leadership in American Military History Essay

What is the description of a leader? Honor, respect, dignity, self-confidence, kindness, etc.? Moreover, what is the portrait of a leader? Is it the man who is able to stand in front of a crowd of thousands? Or the man who sits in his office, addressing the public through a TV screen? Is it the man who struggles for the rights he was born with, that people refuse to hand to him? Or is it the man who goes to jail after fighting for liberty and justice? These are all fine examples of leaders. It does not matter what their claim is. They all eventually die with honor, gain respect, and had the self-confidence to go public and go the extremes in order to obtain righteousness. There is nothing wrong with a leader failing, but future leaders†¦show more content†¦A portrait of disaster is inscribed into the minds of his audience. After starting out with a simple â€Å"will it be next year or next year?† to procrastinating to the last minute when there is no chance of a vict ory for America, this tells the crowd that perhaps the country is not ready for action, and they are weak. Perhaps they should become better equipped and more prepared. The main idea was to influence the country, and assure them that they are not weak, but to fight harder in order to avoid these situations. Although Henry’s claim was for following through with the war, his score of repetition persuaded the people was handled gallantly and at the time, the sure way to go. In Barack Obama’s speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, he brought the same struggle for unity to the table. Considering the education and wellness of every citizen, he claims, â€Å"If there’s a child on the south side of Chicago who can’t read, that matters to me, even if it’s not my child†¦If there’s a senior citizen somewhere who can’t pay for her prescription and has to choose between medicine and the rent, that makes my life poorer, even if she’s not my grandmother.† In this, Obama isShow MoreRelatedMilitary Leadership1185 Words   |  5 PagesWithin the U.S. military, leadership is generally considered something of a given. It is a fundamental ingredient of warfare, without which the outcome of a combat operation cannot be assured. The leader is the brain, the motive power of command, upon whom subordinates rely for guidance and wisdom, and depend upon for good judgment. The leader must be determined, unflappable and charismatic; confident in delegation of authority; able to combine the various strands of command into a common thread;Read MoreMilitary Leadership1194 Words   |  5 PagesWithin the U.S. military, leadership is generally considered something of a given. It is a fundamental ingredient of warfare, without which the outcome of a combat operation cannot be assured. The leader is the brain, the motive power of command, upon whom subordinates rely for guidance and wisdom, and depend upon for good judgment. The leader must be determined, unflappable and charismatic; confident in delegation of authority; able to combine the various strands of command into a common thread;Read MoreGeneral Petraeus As A Visionary Leader854 Words   |  4 Pagescoalition forces, once said, â€Å"Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character, but if you must to be without one, be without strategy† (Kruse, 2012, para. 12). A leader who highlights the pitfall of Schwarzk opf’s prudent quote is, (retired) General David A. Petraeus. On one hand, General Petraeus is a visionary leader: He conceptualized the military doctrine in response to improvised explosive devices used by terrorists, which saved countless military and civilian lives. On the otherRead MoreLt Gen Lewis B. Puller1013 Words   |  5 PagesThe history of Lieutenant General Lewis B. â€Å"Chesty† Puller is not well known outside of the U.S. Marine Corps, but as the most decorated marine in history his legend will live on and continue to inspire the marines of tomorrow. The enlisted corps has idolized him, frequently encouraging one another to do that last push up when motivated by fellow marines saying â€Å"Do one for Chesty!† The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate that Chesty, using current day leadership theories, was a visionary andRead MoreSun Tzu’s Art of War and The Global War on Terror Essay1715 Words   |  7 PagesArt of War is one milita ry tactical text that has survived for centuries. The author of the text, Sun Tzu left the world with knowledge to carry on for generations. Art of War is a compilation of Tzu’s military strategies, various principles passed down his ancestral clan, and Taoism for the world to study and understand (Galvin and Giles). The military strategist specializes in the manners in which a â€Å"small force can overcome a powerful enemy† (Galvin and Giles 15). These tactics have been demonstratedRead MoreGeorge Washington : The American Of American National History Essay1288 Words   |  6 PagesGeorge Washington stands at the origins of American national history. Many Americans call him â€Å"the father of our country†. Washington commanded the Continental Army in the Revolutionary War. He led the American colonists to freedom from British rule. He headed the convention that created the U.S. Constitution, as president of the republic Washington has created a basis for a f ederal government in which the Americans were able to find their national agreement. Despite his accomplishments as a generalRead MoreRoles and Responsibilities of Public Policing vs. Private Security1652 Words   |  7 PagesRoles and Responsibilities of Public Policing vs. Private Security ASJ-502 February 6, 2012 Abstract This paper explores the similarities and differences of public police and private security throughout history. How the criminal justice system and public police and private security are linked to each other. The essential policies that have been developed and how these police have assisted in the cooperation between police and private security. Finally, the need for a comprehensive securityRead MoreGeorge Washington : A Hero Of The Revolutionary War927 Words   |  4 Pagesfigures in the early history of the the United States of America and a hero of the Revolutionary War. Honest, humble, noble, farmer, commander-in-chief - all words still used this day to describe our country’s first President. After eight years of war fighting for freedom from British tyranny and corruption, the American colonists were ready for peace, an organized government system, and strong leadership in their new-found freedom and as an independence nation. During the American Revolution (1775- 1783)Read MoreGeorge Washington : The French And Indian War1249 Words   |  5 Pagesof all time. After serving as a commander in the French and Indian war, George Washington was better equipped to serve as a commander in chief during the Revolution because of his respected nature and his newly found military tactics. â€Å"The French and Indian War was the North American conflict in a larger imperial war between Great Britain and France known as the Seven Years’ War.†(â€Å"Office of the Historian†1) George Washington served as the commander during this war. He led his troops to victory againstRead MoreWomen During The Military War1610 Words   |  7 Pagesspeak up, or the right to lead. Leadership for example, is founded upon many different grounds. One being the military. Having a role in the military meant something greater than having a â€Å"regular† occupation to women. It meant that one has the opportunity to lead his/her country. To be the difference in the world. Females also wanted a taste of what it’s like to serve in the precise armed forces. Giving women the honor of being in the military has changed the military forever. Females have gone through

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Essay about The Problem of Police Corruption - 1190 Words

Police corruption is legally, morally, and ethically wrong. The art of corruption has existed from the beginning of policing to the present day. Investigations have uncovered several acts of dishonesty and crime ranging from petty theft to murder. To help combat corruption the government creates commissions such as the Knapp and Wickersham Commission to investigate allegations of corruption. If acts of corruption are found and substantiated the commission takes criminal action against the law enforcement officer. As allegations persist, one may ask: 1. What is Police Corruption? 2. What is the Corruption Continuum? 3. Is there a Code of Silence? 4. What is done to help prevent corruption? 5. What are†¦show more content†¦There are two general forms of corruption: external and internal. External corruption occurs when an outside agency or person pays an officer to overlook or perform illegal acts themselves. The Mafia is probably the best known organized crime faction. Investigations have shown the Mafia paid officers, politicians, judges, and numerous other agencies to elude conviction. Internal corruption happens when an officers acts on his or her own accord to commit crimes or illegal acts themselves. A classic example of corruption involves the bribery of an officer in order to secure the exemption from punishment. There is a broad range of corruption ranging from petty brides to organized crime paying millions of dollars to protect their gambling, prostitution, and drug networks. William Ernest and Richard Ford are prime examples of internal corruption. These officers were willing to go out and seek illegal activities and served as hired assassins in Los Angeles (Newton, 2007). What is the Corruption Continuum? The Corruption Continuum is used to illustrate the transition from good cop to bad cop. Once an officer makes the decision to accept gratuities and or gifts it puts them on the â€Å"slippery slope† of corruption. If an officer chooses to compromise his or her integrity, it is near impossible for the officer to regain their honor. Many scholars and practitioners becomeShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Problem of Police Corruption951 Words   |  4 Pagespolitical machine, corruption has become second nature to these â€Å"public servants†. From rigging elections to accepting ‘dirty’ donations to the alderman’s campaigns, corruption can be found from the very top of the political layer, down to the lowest government position. Those involved in the corruption have benefited greatly from their dirty deeds. Public residents aren’t directly aware of this corruption since they aren’t public officials, but most can attest to corruption when it involves theRead MorePolice Corruption Has Become A Major Problem1473 Words   |  6 PagesThroughout history, police corruption has become a major problem in the United States. It is defined as a form of police misconduct that involves the act of either a single officer, or a group of officers who abuse their powers to achieve personal or departmental gains. From as early as the nineteenth century, corruption has not only affected law enforcement agencies, but also our continuously changing society. Even though police officers are predominantly seen as honest and professional, the fewRead MoreThe Corruption Of Police Corruption1484 Words   |  6 Pagesconcerning police officers, police corruption has become a major topic. Police officers seem to be making more questionable and unethical decisions according to the media. With these questionable actions, the idea that police officers are corrupt has been a steadily growing opinion. I will be focu sing this literature review on the history of police corruption, mostly in major cities/countries; the nature of police corruption; the ethics involved in law enforcement; causes for police corruption and finallyRead MorePolice Discretion and Corruption Essay example1298 Words   |  6 PagesThe Fine Line between Police Discretion and Corruption Abstract In today’s law enforcement agencies there is a fine line between discretion and corruption. Imagine that you are a police officer, you pull over a car that you suspect is driven by someone who has had too much to drink. Upon reaching the window you find that it’s an old friend from school. Do you take him to jail or do you take him home? Police officers have the power to make this decision. In the world of the officer this couldRead MorePolice Corruption969 Words   |  4 PagesPolice Corruption Second Essay for AJ 101 Krystal Lamas Victor Valley Community College Author Note This paper was prepared for AJ 101 for Mr. Ronald M. Field .M.A. Abstract Police corruption is a complex issue. Police corruption or the abuse of authority by a police officer, acting officially to fulfill personal needs or wants, is a growing problem in the United States today. Things such as an Internal Affairs department, a strong leadership organization, and community support are justRead MorePolice Corruption: Time to Get Rid of Crooked Cops Essay1653 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Police throughout the United States have been caught fabricating, planting, and manipulating evidence to obtain convictions where cases would otherwise be very weak. Some authorities regard police perjury as so rampant that it can be considered a subcultural norm rather than an individual aberration of police officers. Large-scale investigations of police units in almost every major American city have documented massive evidence of tampering, abuse of the arresting power, and discriminatory enforcementRead MoreLaw Enforcement : Public Safety1291 Words   |  6 PagesPolice C orruption By: Michael Dunn Law Enforcement 2nd Period Michael Dunn Mr. Manley April 24, 2015 Law Enforcement Public Safety Final The topic of public safety that I chose to research is corruption. Police corruption is a form of police misconduct in which law enforcement officers break their social contract and abuse their power for personal or department gain. Most common form of police corruption is accepting bribes for not interfering with drugRead More Police Corruption in America Essay1699 Words   |  7 PagesPolice Corruption in America The police officer stands at the top of the criminal justice system in a nation where crime rates are high and where the demands for illegal goods and services are widespread. These conditions create a situation in which the police officer is confronted with opportunity to accept a large number of favors or grants. Police corruption occurs in many forms and observers of police behavior agree that it falls into nine specific areas. Drug related police corruptionRead MorePolice Corruption in Russia1430 Words   |  6 PagesPolice corruption is defined as when police, in exercising or failing to exercise their authority act with primary intention of furthering private or departmental / division advantage. Police corruption is a big problem all around the world especially in Russia. The Russian citizens have always been on alert when it comes to the police because of the bad laws, failure of knowing there right as citizens, and sticking up for there themselves. Russia is 133rd countr y out of 176 in the corruption perceptionRead MoreEssay on Police Brutality and Corruption681 Words   |  3 PagesPolice Brutality and Corruption Corruption in policing is viewed as the misuse of authority by a police officer acting officially to fulfill his/her personal needs or wants. There are two distinct elements of corruption; 1) misuse of authority, 2) personal attainment. The occupational subculture of policing is a major factor in both creating police corruption, by initiating officers into corrupt activities, and sustaining it, by covering up corrupt activities by other officers. Police corruption

Friday, May 15, 2020

Organizational Culture And Leadership Assessment - 933 Words

Organizational culture is a system of symbols and interactions unique to each organization. It is the ways of thinking, behaving, and believing that members of a unit have in common† (marquis, 2011). The conveyance of the system culture requires an active, constructive role of management and leadership. The leaders will need to assess the subcultures, perceptions, attitude and beliefs and influence, in their unit to intervene and meet their responsibility (Marquis, 2011). In this paper, the organizational culture and leadership assessment thru observation and data collection of a teaching hospital that is not-for-profit healthcare full service medical center with 851 beds, and it is the fifth largest hospital in Florida. The hospital’s mission core is on the Quality- caring Model and the value it places on human relationship. Additionally, the hospital’s promise of integrity with the professional standards as a commitment to deliver excellence to the community (in tranet citing). The hospital leadership outcome approach is through encouragement, relationship, goal orientation, engagement, patients and staff satisfaction, and adaptation to changes. The organization takes pride in receiving the Gallup Great Workplace Award in 2014, which proves the direct relationship of how employee engagement drives high quality outcomes. Incorporating commitment of leadership, accountability and performance, development of quality and patient safety and ongoing learning, and effectiveShow MoreRelatedThe Leadership Journey Of Ronda Harlan1535 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction to a Leadership Journey This paper outlines the leadership journey of Ronda Harlan; an Organizational Leadership student, at Colorado State University (CSU) and how the CSU Masters of Science in Organizational Leadership (MSOL) program helped Ronda to evaluate human behavior within organizations to understand ethical practices, effective leadership, organizational communication, and cogent decision-making principles. Ronda Harlan reflects how the master’s program at CSU aligned withRead MoreThe Leader in Me1370 Words   |  6 Pagesthe subject of the assessments completed correlates his findings that contribute to the success in the organization in developing one’s own personal skills and the relationship of leading employees. 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This document will discuss cultural assessment tools used in assessing organizational cultureRead MoreLeadership Strategy : A Critical Activity For Growth And Success Of An Organization834 Words   |  4 PagesMany also know that without strong leadership that is collectively working together to achieve goals throughout the organization even the best and boldest strategies will fall short of their fullest potential (Pasmore, 2014). Leadership Strategy provides the roadmap for the development of leadership talent and culture. Having skilled leaders to carry out business strategy is crucial to success, but research has shown that we must also understand leadership culture as defined by the collective actionsRead MoreCultural Assessment Tools And Organizational Culture843 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction Corporate culture is an intricate component of an organizations identity. Fortune 500 corporations have used corporate culture as a trademark. 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While Saudi Aramco is a global force in oilRead MoreA New Team Of Global Employees1257 Words   |  6 PagesGlobal Leadership A new team of global employees must look at the team dynamics in place and the concerns challenging them, the team, and the business. The specific groups in question is consist of a person from Greece, a person from Iran, a person from Germany, and person from Singapore. In order to examine the group LDR 804 GLOBE task information was collected concerning the personalities of persons from stated countries. This study will look at culture evaluation instruments and howRead MoreNursing and The Organizational Culture of Human Resource Management1495 Words   |  6 PagesOrganizational culture can play a very important role in any corporation’s success. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Should The Sale Of Organs Become Legalized - 1494 Words

Should the Sale of organs become legalized? Organ donation is the process of giving an organ or a part of an organ for the purpose of transplantation into another person. However in the United States an average of twenty one people die each day waiting for transplants due to shortages of donated organs according to the Government run website It s not as though the others will eventually get kidneys if they just wait, sustained in the meantime by dialysis. In the next year, nearly four thousand of those patients will die waiting. At least twelve hundred others will eventually end up off the list because they develop complications that make them too sick to withstand a transplant. Unfortunately for transplant patients that number continues to rise today, data and graphs on the governments’ website show us falling farther and farther behind on donations. If True justice would say that everyone has an equal right to live. In order to maintain this justice, Society must have an obligation to ensure that every race, culture, ethnicity or economical background has equal access to medical benefits. So is there an alternative solution to this growing crisis? One main alternative is the presumed consent system that is in place in a few countries around the world. Presumed consent is known as an opt-out system and means that unless the deceased has expressed a wish in life not to be an organ donor then consent will be assumed and their organs will be donated.Show MoreRelatedShould Human Organs for Sale?1685 Words   |  7 PagesHUMAN ORGANS FOR SALE Should the sales of human organs be legally or not, it is quite difficult to find a satisfied answer to this controversial question at the moment. Although a large number of articles were written, numerous speeches were made, countless meetings were hold to discuss about this matter but until now it is still a big controversy issue all over the world. Thanks to the steadily development of scientist, technology and medicine treatment, nowadays human organ can be transplantedRead MoreShould Human Organs for Sale?1699 Words   |  7 PagesHUMAN ORGANS FOR SALE Should the sales of human organs be legally or not, it is quite difficult to find a satisfied answer to this controversial question at the moment. Although a large number of articles were written, numerous speeches were made, countless meetings were hold to discuss about this matter but until now it is still a big controversy issue all over the world. Thanks to the steadily development of scientist, technology and medicine treatment, nowadays human organ can be transplantedRead MoreEssay on Organ Sales1478 Words   |  6 PagesOrgan Sales: Legalize for the Greater Good Every day, numerous people across the world stop their lives for four hours to get hooked up to a dialysis machine at a hospital nearby. This machine helps to remove harmful wastes, toxins, excess salt, and water from their body because unfortunately their body cannot do so for them. These people wait on a list until they can one day receive a kidney transplant because kidney failure has resulted in their body not being able to clean their blood properlyRead MoreLegalizing the Sale of Human Organs1071 Words   |  4 PagesLegalizing the sale of human organs has become a very controversial topic in the last few decades. Transplant surgeries were becoming relatively safe to preform, which lead the transplant list to grow rapidly. The debate on how to increment the number of organs available for transplant commenced. Currently organ donations were solely dependent upon cadaveric donors and family members. This shortage has engendered an ebony market for organs sales. People are pereg rinating across the country to haveRead MoreImplicit Concerns For The Legalization Of The Organ Sale1347 Words   |  6 PagesImplicit Concerns for the Legalization of the Organ Sale With the increasing need of organs for medical treatment, illegal organ black markets have become more rampant. Under such circumstances, the public debate over whether the government should legalize the sale of living human organs is fiercer. In Joanna MacKay’s essay Organ Sales Will Save Lives, she states that the government should legalize the sale of organs, since the legalization would benefit both the sellers and the buyers. MoreoverRead MoreIs Organ Sale Not Banned For Many Years?1105 Words   |  5 PagesImagine someone that you hold dearly about to die because of a terrible organ problem and that person needs an organ to be alive, you can’t donate your organs, what will you do? There are a lot of people throughout the world that at this moment are waiting for an organ to be donated to them, however not many people will do it because they are either scared that they one day need it or that they might suffer during the process. Organ sale has been banned for many years because of a lot of reasons that weRead MoreLegalizing The Sale Of Human Organs1246 Words   |  5 Pagesincreasing need of organs for medical treatment, illegal organ black markets become more rampant. Under such circumstances, should the government legalize the sale of living human organs? In Joanna MacKay’s essay Organ Sales Will Save Lives, after analyzing from both receivers’ and donors’ perspectives deliberately, she makes her own credibility to conclude that since there are potential donors and potential sellers that have a strong eager to trade kidneys, legalizing the sale of human organs would bringRead MoreThe Issue Of Human Rights1444 Words   |  6 PagesSince the first successful organ transplant was performed, the life-changing procedure that has saved thousands of lives has become a much desired route for those in need of a new organ. The unfortunate scenario in most cases is that someone needs to die in order for another to live. With voluntary organ donors now growing in numbers upon their own death, there is still a high demand for organs that is not being met to the satisfaction of many patients who are on a waiting list. When the subjectRead MoreLegalize the Sale of Human Organs956 Words   |  4 PagesLegalize the Sale of Human Organs Compensation for the donation of human organs should be legalized for medical use. Medical surgeons everywhere are calling the government to have them legalize the sale of organs for transplants; allowing people to sell their organs would help people by meeting their financial expenses, solve the lack of supply, save many lives, and get control of the black market. Compensation for donating bone marrow is legalized, so why not organs? There has been a hugeRead MoreThe Black Market Exploiting The Donor1745 Words   |  7 PagesProposing a Solution to the Black Market Exploiting the Donor: Legalizing the Sale of Human Organs, In Hopes of Putting the Black Market Out of Business Right now in the U.S. even with all the advanced technology, there are more than 120,000 people currently on the UNOS organ transplant waiting list. With the wait being so long for an organ, people have become desperate in order to save their life. With this number being so large, it is hard to believe that there is a new name added to the list

The Influence of Context and Perceptual Clues on Memory...

A QUANTITATIVE STUDY TO ASSESS THE INFLUENCE OF CONTEXT AND PERCEPTUAL CUES ON MEMORY RECALL. †¢ Abstract The influence of context and perceptual clues on memory recall. The influence of context on memory recall was examined in an experiment based on Godden and Baddeley’s (1975) Context Dependent Memory study. Previous research suggests that memory recall is improved when learning and recall occur in the same environment. The current experiment examined the importance of context and perceptual clues in memory recall by manipulating the learning and recall environments for a memory task using a list of 30 random words tested on three groups of participants: each group learnt a list of words in one environment and recalled them in†¦show more content†¦The results can then be analysed and compared in line with Godden and Baddeley’s findings. 5. Briefly explain the rationale for your research This study will attempt to replicate the findings of Godden and Baddeley (1975) by examining the importance of context in learning and recall. In addition, we will examine whether lack of perceptual cues in the environment affects recall. †¢ Method †¢ Between-participants experiment †¢ 75 adult participants (15 for each project member) – 35 males – 40 females †¢ Independent variable – Context – Condition 1 – learning and recall environment are the same – Condition 2 – learning and recall environment are different – Condition 3 – learning and recall environment are the same, but participants eyes are closed for recall †¢ Dependent variable – Number of words correctly recalled †¢ The 75 participants were randomly allocated to three groups. †¢ Condition 1 – 25 participants were given a printed grid of 30 random words and given 2 minutes to memorise them. Participants were seated at a table/desk in a quiet room. After learning there is then a 2 minute pause after which participants were given a further 2 minutes in which to recall the words. †¢ Condition 2 – 25 participants are given a printed grid ofShow MoreRelatedPschy Case5196 Words   |  21 Pagesimportance of A) top-down processing. 5) Even though you have been especially careful looking for spelling errors in your paper, your teacher has circled several typographical errors. Your inability to catch these errors is best explained by C) perceptual set. 6) Treatments for mental illness, the ability of people to eliminate unhealthy behaviors such as smoking and initiate healthy behaviors such as exercise, and the development of positive parenting practices are all consistent with the ideaRead MoreHigh Frequency Words7550 Words   |  31 Pagesdifficulties. In short, reading difficulties can be caused mainly by the following factors: Immature / earlier language development. Sensory impairment (visual and auditory perceptual processing), Emotional factors, Cognitive reasoning and information processing factors, Earlier access to appropriate teaching and involvement in contexts in which reading is not a valued activity. Background of the Study Reading is one of the most important things that a person should learn. Its importance must be a focalRead MoreA Format for Case Conceptualisation4145 Words   |  17 PagesClients emotional experience includes data that are more inferential. On the basis of their observations, students attempt to infer what their clients feel during sessions and to relate those feelings to verbal content (e.g., sadness linked to memories of loss). The observations provide insights into clients emotional lives outside of treatment. We caution students that clients self-reports are an important but not entirely reliable source of information about their emotional experience. 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Freud believed that the human mind was composed of three elements:  the id, the ego, and the superego. Humanistic psychology  - humanistic psychology began as a reaction to  psychoanalysis  and behaviorism, whichRead MoreUnderstanding the People Who Work at and Patronize Build-a-Bear Workshop8790 Words   |  36 Pagesapproach. The chapter also examines how social perceptions influence the way we view the world and how attributions influence how we assign causality for behaviors. LEARNING OBJECTIVES PPT Slides 2, 3 After reading this chapter, you should be able to do the following: 1. Describe individual differences and their importance in understanding behavior. 2. Define personality. 3. Identify several personality characteristics and their influences on behavior in organizations. 4. Give examples of eachRead MoreSupporting the Development of English Literacy in English Language Learners22851 Words   |  92 Pagesoral proficiency in acquiring English literacy, describe the issues that English-language learners (ELLs) encounter because of their developing English oral proficiency, and report on best practices in supporting English language development in the context of literacy instruction for these students. Of primary interest in this report is the vast majority of ELLs who are not learningdisabled, but require time to become English proficient. Further, this report focuses on school-aged children. To a largeRead Moredigital marketing impact on consumer buying behavior13654 Words   |  55 Pagesby a positive attitude (see Jakoby and Chestnut 1978). This distinguishes it from spurious loyalty, where only behavioral loyalty is detected with low relative attitudes (Dick and Basu 1994). We acknowledge that different elements of DMC can influence both types of loyalty. Brand communication can also be personalized. For example, customer profiles or preferences can be used to create customized message content for different segments or individual customers, sent via their preferred channelsRead MoreEssay special education11975 Words   |  48 Pagesresulting from impairment or a disability that limits or prevents the fulfillment of a role that is normal (depending on age, sex, and social and cultural factors) for that individual.   Handicap considers the persons participation in their social context.   For example, if there is a wheel-chair access ramp at work, a disabled person may not be handicapped in coming to work there.   Here are some examples: Impairment - Speech production; Disability - Speaking clearly enough to be understood; HandicapRead MoreCommunication Disorders7061 Words   |  29 Pagesor gestures. SPEECH †¢ is a particular type of language. Speech refers to language that involves the coordination of oral-neuromuscular movement to produce sounds. †¢ It is one means of expressing language but not the only means. †¢ It can influence a person’s success or failure in personal/social and professional arenas. HEARING †¢ hearing loss perturbs communication, often with severe consequences on the production of normal speech patterns. †¢ the ability to perceive sound by detecting

Variations and Experiences Business Model †

Question: Discuss about the Variations and Experiences Business Model. Answer: Introduction The given report will be discussing the various aspects of the business canvas model of the business Graviky lab which is originated in 2015. The startup is from India and has achieved instant success and fame (AIR-INK., 2018). A brief business introduction will be given followed by the description and the analysis of the business canvas model. Recommendations with respect to the business model and critical success factors will be discussed. The company belongs to the Recycling and energy industry which has been able to raise an amount of Rs.80 lakh presently and has been evaluated at Rs.80 crore as of 2017. Established in 2015, the given investment was raised by Mohit Goel who is the CEO of Omaxe Limited. The business was developed from a need based idea (Kiel, 2014). The primary idea behind the business is that it converts the pollution particles in the air to an ink. The dust particles are extremely small and this leads to serious damage to the health of the individuals. Kaalink has undergone a long journey where it was seeded at the Fluid Interfaces Group and presented at the conference in 2013 (Borpuzari, 2018). They began their testing in 2014 and by 2016, the company had been incorporated and began their real world tasks. Their first campaign was held in 2016 in Hongkong, after which the company received a huge response in a few days. The startup makes use of a technology known as Kaalink in order to capture soot which is captured from the smoke emitted from the vehicles (Graviky Labs | Crunchbase., 2018). Kaalink can be described as contraption which is generally fitted to the exhaustion pipe of the car to capture the pollutants. After this process, various processes are undertaken to convert the soot collected to a carbon based pigment. This carbon is then used to make different inks. Business canvas model As the startup is comparatively very new, it is still in its initialization stage. For this purpose the business model of the business is not very well developed. Key Partners Government Automobile companies Key Activities Selling ink products to consumers Converting the soot present in the air to carbon (Massa Tucci, 2013). Converting this carbon to in Conducting various shows Value Proposition Better utilization of the waste emitted by cars into useful inks Safety and health A better environment to the people at large (Sinkovics, Sinkovics, Yamin, 2014) Customer Relationships Providing ink products to the consumers who are considerable for the environment issues A better environment Customer Segments Artists Street artists Automobile companies Automobile purchasers Key Resources The key resources of the firm are : Its human resource Conversion technology Office space Channels Online ordering is presently the most viable channel to sell the products. Cost Structure The important cost structures of the given in the given business model are : Staff Taxes Office Advertising Cost of goods (Joyce Paquin, 2016) Logistics Technology Revenue Streams Online sales Sponsorships and funding (Muhtaroglu et al., 2013) Relationship between the 9 blocks of business canvas model The blocks of the business canvas model describes the main purpose of the business organization. The business canvas model is a brief summary of the different operations which a firm indulges in. It provides useful information to the owner of the business in the given areas: Value Propositions Channels Customer Relationships Revenue Streams Key Activities Key Partnerships Customer segments Key Resources Cost Structure The different components of the business canvas model are deemed to be interrelated with each other (Hong Fauvel, 2013). They can be stated to be mutually dependent and any change made in one particular aspect tends to have an impact on the other business aspect. For instance a key change in the value proposition of the firm will have certain changes in the cost structure as well. Let us assume if the firm plans to sell a different colored ink then it will have to make use of a new technology, the use of which will increase its costs structure. Another example of this is that if the customer employs more staff then the revenue of the firm might increase but so will its cost. The choice of channel is also related to the cost and revenue structure. For Graviky labs, the firm sells its product online and that too on request, if it chooses to open a shop, the revenue might increase for sure, but the resources as well as the cost incurred will also be affected. Hence, they are dependent on one another and a change in one composition will have an impact on the other 8 blocks as reflected. Critical success factors for the business The Critical success factors can be described as those factors which a business needs to capture and utilize in order to achieve sustainable growth (Schaltegger, Hansen Ldeke-Freund, 2016). The presence of these factors, will contribute to the welfare of the organization and will go a long way in determining a potential future. Growth strategy- As the business is in the initial stage of it lifetime. A proper growth strategy would go a long way in determining the success of the organization. The path for the future of the organization has to be decided and the firm needs to see to it that it has adequate resources at its disposal so that the growth strategy is achievable. An organization without sufficient goal strategy will not be able to survive for long in the business environment. Product Diversity- At present Graviky Labs sells ink captured in various forms and sizes such as markers of sizes 15mm, 30 mm, 2 mm and 50 mm. A 150 ml bottle is also available. In future, the firm can strengthen its product line whereby it can offer pens and pencils which will make the firm a bigger success (Cochrane, 2014). However the diversity of the existing product line will play a huge role in determining the success of the firm . Funding strategy- The Company had started a funding procedure whereby funds of $40 would give the consumer a small bottle of ink and a souvenir. T had been able to raise $17000 from that drive. Nevertheless, success is not possible to be measured without adequate funding plans and the company should see to it that the firm has enough resources at its disposal in order to ensure that it is able to expand its organization successfully achieve success. Funding would also enable the firm to expand its product line. Potential causes of Downside risk Downside risk in an organization can be described as the risk which is a result of an external event taking place in the external environment of the organization and have a huge impact on the profit making ability of the given firm. The causes for downside risk with reference to the given organization are given as follows : Companies adopting a special technology which would not emit smoke According to Carayannis, Sindakis and Walter (2015), the automobile companies have been working on a technology which would make the automobiles emit less amount of smoke. If the amount of pollution generated by the automobiles goes down due to the application of the smart technology, then the whole point of the business would collapse . Furthermore, if the laws regarding emission of pollution changes then the business would not be able to get the response it desires. With the go-green initiative, the use of paper and inks has reduced considerably as the medium used to communicate messages has taken the online medium. Companies these days avoid printing their brochures and instead prefer to send them online to the potential customers. Hence, if the use of printed items further decreases, it can lead to a huge loss for the company. Therefore, from the given analysis it can be witnessed that the organization Graviky Labs is presently at the initial stage of its life cycle. The company has launched its product but presently it is available to very few people and that too at a comparatively high cost (Bocken et al., 2014). The given report analysis the various elements of the business canvas model of the firm and makes recommended changes with respect to the same. Recommended Changes to business model The given changes have been recommended to the business model of the firm: The main purpose of the startup is to generate ink out of waste. It is using the medium of a startup to convert the ir pollution to a usable ink technique. Hence, like it collaborated with the artists in Hong Kong, the company can partner with other social activist in India a Singapore, to make the movement bigger and to ensure that the business has potential areas to work upon in future. The inks can be promoted using the online advertisement techniques and the firm can start selling them commercially. This shall make the users more aware about the product and they would like to buy it. This shall contribute to the revenue of the firm. Apart from selling online, the firm can use retail suppliers to push its product down the supply chain and offer its offering to the customer groups at large. References AIR-INK. (2018).Graviky Labs: Capturing air pollution and recycling to Inks. Retrieved 28 March 2018, from Bocken, N. M., Short, S. W., Rana, P., Evans, S. (2014). A literature and practice review to develop sustainable business model archetypes.Journal of cleaner production,65, 42-56. Borpuzari, P. (2018).Graviky Labs: Converting air pollution to ink.The Economic Times. Retrieved 28 March 2018, from Carayannis, E. G., Sindakis, S., Walter, C. (2015). Business model innovation as lever of organizational sustainability.The Journal of Technology Transfer,40(1), 85-104. Cochrane, T. D. (2014). Critical success factors for transforming pedagogy with mobile Web 2.0.British Journal of Educational Technology,45(1), 65-82. Graviky Labs | Crunchbase. (2018).Crunchbase. Retrieved 28 March 2018, from Hong, Y. C., Fauvel, C. (2013). Criticisms, variations and experiences with business model canvas. Joyce, A., Paquin, R. L. (2016). The triple layered business model canvas: A tool to design more sustainable business models.Journal of Cleaner Production,135, 1474-1486. Kiel, I. H. (2014). Entrepreneurial marketing. Massa, L., Tucci, C. L. (2013). Business model innovation.The Oxford Handbook of Innovation Management, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 420-441. Muhtaroglu, F. C. P., Demir, S., Obali, M., Girgin, C. (2013, October). Business model canvas perspective on big data applications. InBig Data, 2013 IEEE International Conference on(pp. 32-37). IEEE. Schaltegger, S., Hansen, E. G., Ldeke-Freund, F. (2016). Business models for sustainability: Origins, present research, and future avenues. Sinkovics, N., Sinkovics, R. R., Yamin, M. (2014). The role of social value creation in business model formulation at the bottom of the pyramidimplications for MNEs?.International Business Review,23(4), 692-707.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Music and Culture in New Orleans free essay sample

Music and Culture Imagine It Is prime time prohibition era In the city of New Orleans. Music Is blasting, the alcohol is freely flowing, and there are crowds of dancing flappers and dapper gentlemen all over the French Quarter. For decades, New Orleans has been the epicenter for Jazz music in America. It is essential to the culture, economy, and history of the city. Over the last few years, however, some of New Orleans city officials seem to think the beat has left the city, and its personality Is suffering because of It.Others believe New Orleans Is tired and old, and should be used for no ore than a ghostly museum of what used to be: a vibrant explosion of all different kinds of culture. Two articles specifically have opposite views of the same topic of revival: while one encourages the rebirth of Jazz and the lifestyle that comes with it, the other seems to side with the ever-changing culture of America, rather than New Orleans rich background. In an article called, Tapping New Orleans Musical Mine, Martha Bayle believes in what New Orleans Jazz used to be: a lifestyle. While she knows It still exists In dirty street corners and hole-in-the-wall diners, she cannot deny just how tiny of a portion s still thriving. But to Bayle, sometimes culture isnt about enriching your own life; its about sharing it with others. The NONE (New Orleans Music and Entertainment Association) has agreed to steer the city into an outward approach in gathering fans. Europeans says Ramsey, who points out that New Orleans recordings sell briskly overseas If we can Import the music, NONE asks, why cant we Import the fans? (Bayle. Martha).Most natives seem skeptical about the plans for their city, but NONE insists that a foreign fan base will not only revive the old jazz culture, but also ill improve the suffering economy. Though Gnomes confidence cannot be shaken, citizens of the historic city have doubts of their own. But, frankly, I dont see what singles out New Orleans as opposed to any other music scene as far as the current pop culture goes. Some citizens think the city has separated Itself from the rest of the country with Its unique scene and spicy way of life (Bayle, Martha).The music scene will continue to strive to make outreach possible, through publicizing on local radio stations, and selling the idea to musical cities overseas like Liverpool. The effort o restore the old ways of New Orleans has begun, with a broader goal in fan base. Though the city seems to barely cling to what it was, organizations like NONE have expectations on what the future of the city should look like, that is what it once was: a flourishing place of cultural renaissance. Mr..Brothels, a public school music teacher and record company owner agrees with the pollen that something Is Indeed special about New Orleans musical culture: Thats one of the advantages of New Orleans. When people get turned off to the National culture, they can always come back to whats here. (Bayle, Martha). The question still remains as to when pop culture will get tired; when will people start searching for the old ways to fill their entertainment needs? In the comparative article called Will New Orleans Bury Jazz Alive? Author Tom the new thing so no one has to rely on the past. He puts great value on the historical aspect of Jazz, pointing out to the readers a time when thousands upon thousands of people attended the great Louis Armstrong funeral to honor him and the great city of New Orleans. He wrote of the respect that Jazz has obtained over time. (Bethel, Tom). He also speaks of the impact it makes on the tourism industry. they asked tourists to put down what they came to New Orleans for Jazz was third First was the French Quarter and second was food.Jazz, in fact, may be the most important attraction because these categories overlap. (Bethel, Tom). While there is no arguing that Jazz is important to the tourism and history, Bethel writes how this might lead to the genres ultimate downfall. Jazz Has now reached the stage of being regarded as a suitable recipient for grants, donations, federal funding, and corporate underwriting. (Bethel, Tom). According to the article, Jazz is not the defining aspect of New Orleans, like it used to be, and now it is a silly excuse for scholarships.What is the reason for such change? In the Jazz Age, New Orleans was a thriving town full of aspiring stars on the rise. Today, most artists dont think twice about performing at music festivals, and spectators think crafts are the main attraction. Today the music is used for concerts, Russell explained, Its used for festivals and its used on Bourbon Street. All the wrong things in other words All the wrong things because music is supposed to be for dancing and having a good time, ND not for Just sitting there (Bethel, Tom).The rest of the article explains that in todays world, music has a different definition than what it used to be. It is very possible that, according to Bethel, the Jazz Age has simply slipped through our fingers, being replaced by phones and gaming consoles. The revival of Jazz seems to be a choice: it is up to the audience, who doesnt seem to realize the importance or relevance of the genre. Bethel and Brothels do not differ in that they both rank the genre in the highest regard. The differences are noted when the problem of a shrinking fan base arise.In Tapping New Orleans Musical Mine, author Martha Bayle explores the theory of widening the search: taking the music scene to an international level. The NONE organization is optimistic about their future plans of revival. On the other hand, the article titled Will New Orleans Bury Jazz Alive? Bethel gives a more pessimistic view of the problem, and doesnt offer a solution besides making a museum to commemorate the great time. The purpose is to convince the reader that the Jazz Age was an enlightening period that should be admired, but not replicated, because the ritual passion that is required simply isnt there.